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Transfer of Credit


For Transfer Students from Other College or Universities

  1. Use our self-service credit evaluation tool to estimate how your existing coursework may apply.
  2. Submit a completed application for admission.
  3. 提交正式的高中成绩单(完成24个学期或以上大学学分的学生可豁免).
  4. 提交以前就读的所有学院和大学的正式成绩单. Transfer students must be eligible to re-enter schools previously attended.

经注册主任批准,国家和地区认可的学院和大学将接受转学分. 社区大学的最多65个学时可以用于学位要求.

Credit By Exam for Unaccredited Work

如果你在未经认证的机构修过并通过了一门课程,并希望通过本科学术目录和拓展与创新学院中OC的考试学分政策中概述的程序来验证你的工作, you may do so. Feel free to use our self-service credit evaluation tool for an unofficial review.

Self-Service Credit Evaluation Tool


Students with Associate or Baccalaureate Degrees from Another Institution

如果你转学到OC与副学士学位旨在提供学士学位的核心课程背景, 在确定您的核心课程要求时,OC将考虑来OC之前的学时. 副学士学位课程必须包括至少30小时的核心课程通常要求的课程,其中至少有一门课程属于以下七个类别:沟通, math, American citizenship, behavioral/social science, literature/fine arts, science, and global civilization.

If you have fulfilled at least five of these categories prior to coming to OC, 你将能够在学校完成课程,以填补七个类别中最多两个不足的领域. 你还需要在OC完成以下内容:三到六个小时的圣经, including BIBL-4533: Capstone: Christ, Calling, and Career. 在OC完成第二个学士学位的学生将享受同样的政策. You may transfer all approved courses from an accredited community college. A maximum of 65 hours from a community college will apply toward a degree.

Note: You must satisfy the specific course provisions for the B.S.E. and other programs requiring specific courses for the core curriculum.

First-Time Transfer Students to OC

Transfer students must take the following number of hours in Bible at OC:

Transfer HoursRequired OC Bible Hours
1 to 2912*
30 to 599*
60 to 896*
90 or more3*

Or reach a total of 12 hours, including transfer hours.

*转学生所需的圣经学时数在您首次在OC注册时确定. Subsequent transfer hours do not affect the number of hours required. 所有转学生必须至少修毕《皇冠集团app下载》-4533:顶点课程:基督,呼召和职业.

Post-Enrollment Transfer Credit

在牛津大学注册的学生可以在其他学校的课程中获得学分, subject to the following restrictions:

  • 在注册其他机构的课程之前,获得转学课程批准表的书面批准.
  • 专业内的课程必须由该专业的项目主席批准.
  • Approval for core curriculum courses must come from the Registrar.

Limitation of Transfer Credit

Once a bachelor’s degree-seeking student begins at OC, they may not transfer in more than 15 hours of credit to count toward graduation, 其中不超过6学时的高级专业课程可以转回OC. 如上所述,该专业的学分转换必须得到学生主修课程的批准. Similarly, once an associate’s degree-seeking student begins at OC, 他们转学的学分不得超过7个小时才算毕业.

Specific programs may have additional transfer restrictions.

Technical or vocational credits are not eligible for transfer and may not, therefore, be used to satisfy degree requirements.

目前的OC学生必须在注册OC校区以外的课程之前获得转学分批准. 转学申请批准表可在myOC和学生倡导中心获得.


Articulation Agreements

A Transfer Release Form is required for students transferring from another U.S. college or university. 它必须由申请人签名,并由持有学生当前I-20记录的当前机构填写. 请注意,学生必须在美国持有合法身份才有资格入学.

International Articulation Agreements

Domestic Articulation Agreements

Transfer Course Approval Form

Click on this link to fill out the form, complete your portion of it, and return it to the Office of the Registrar, located in Cogswell-Alexander Hall.

Air Force ROTC Credit

你有一个独特的机会加入空军预备役军官训练团,同时就读OC. 奥克拉荷马大学和奥克拉荷马大学之间有一项合作协议,免除奥克拉荷马大学学生在奥克拉荷马大学的大部分费用和保险. Basically, the only cost to you is for the AFROTC credit hour(s). AFROTC classes meet on the OU campus, which is approximately 45 minutes from OC. AFROTC offers a variety of scholarships in computer science, engineering, and other majors that you can pursue at OC. After completion of the degree and the AFROTC program, 你将被任命为美国空军军官,毕业后也有一份有保障的工作. For more information, contact the University of Oklahoma.

Army ROTC Credit

Two-, three-, 通过OC和中央俄克拉荷马大学之间的合作协议,您可以获得四年制课程. 这允许你通勤到UCO,参加陆军后备军官训练班,同时继续在OC攻读学位. Through the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, the Department of Military Science offers two programs. After completion of the degree and the ROTC program, you will be commissioned as an officer in the United States Army, the Army Reserves, or the Army National Guard. For more information, contact UCO.

Acceptance of Military Credits


联合服务成绩单或空军社区学院成绩单由学生提交给大学. JST提供了个人军事课程完成和培训的摘要,并显示了美国教育委员会推荐的学分. The ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Service is available and searchable online as well.

OC will grant credit, in accordance with the ACE recommendations, 对于基本训练和任何军事课程已完成的职业证书, lower-division undergraduate and upper-division undergraduate levels. 学生的转学分评估通常会显示低级别推荐的通用学分为100级,高级别推荐的学分为300级.

We do not award credit for military experience or “military occupational specialty” credit. 我们也不接受其他机构基于军事经验或MOS学分授予的转学分.